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Thursday, 1 March 2012


MGT 300
                                      SITI NURSALIMAH BT RUBANI (2010627162)
                                      NUR KHAIRIYAH BINTI MUNIT (2010852208)
                                      NURLIYANA BINTI ROSLI (2010655946)


First and foremost we are grateful to Allah because give us a chance to finished this report. We also would like to thank to our subject lecturer Tn. Syed Mazlan bin Syed Mat Dom for the valuable guidance and advice. He inspired us greatly to work in this project. We also would like to thank him for showing us some example of the company hat related to the topic of our project.
Besides, we would like to thank the authority of University Technology Mara (UiTM) for providing us with a good environment and facilities to complete this project.
Our biggest gratitude goes to En. Othman bin Tumin, a front manager in Yong Peng Pos Office, as he provide every information needed to accomplish this assignment.
Not forgotten to Pos Malaysia because give the good corporation with us to know all about the company and technology that they use to managed in the company to achieved customers’ satisfaction.
Finally, an honorable mention goes to all friends in the group for their understandings and supports in completing this project. Without workgroup of the particular that mentioned above, we would face many difficulties while doing this project.

                                        2.0   INTRODUCTION


In 1992, Pos Malaysia Berhad was corporatised from the PSD. In September 2001, Pos Malaysia Berhad was listed on the then Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (now known as Bursa Malaysia Berhad) through a reverse takeover of a Philio Allied Berhad assuming its listing status. Pos Malaysia Berhad is separated into four main Strategic Business Units called PosMel, PosLaju, PosNiaga and PosLogistik. In 2009, Pos Malaysia restructured its core services into three Strategic Business Units - PosMel, PosLaju and PosNiaga - and the logistics arm will be supporting the delivery operations of the core services.
A courier service in Malaysia is relatively young. In the early 1970s foreign companies such as DHL and OCS beginning their operations in Malaysia. The first local courier company to operate in Malaysia is City-Link Express (M) SdnBhd which began its operations in 1979. This was followed by ABX Express (1984), Nationwide Express (1985). POSLAJU (part of the Pos Malaysia) and UPS appeared in the scene in 1988. FEDEX came in 1991. In 1997 a local outfit GD Express began operating. Today the domestic courier service is mainly dominated by City-Link Express, Nationwide Express and GD Express (GDex). Both Nationwide and GDex are public listed company while City-Link Express had remained firmly in the hands of its founder, David Tan.

The history of Pos Malaysia Berhad can be traced back to the early 19th century with the establishment of postal services first in the Straits Settlements in which it would cover the whole Malaya by early 20th century.

Strategic Business Units

PosMel offers basic postal services which include standard and non-standard mail items. The postal service continues to reinvent itself to produce various innovative products and services in relation to market needs, which cater to both retail and corporate customers.
PosNiaga with its over 1000 network of outlets, including normal post offices, mini post offices, postal and stamp agents offer various services and products ranging from philatelic products, bill payments,financial products and services as well as online transaction services through
PosLaju provides domestic courier service and international courier service through its 50 dedicated courier centers, supported by Pos Malaysia’s retail network. PosLaju also provides value-added services to complement its express services such as pick up service, insurance package,packaging solutions and web-based tracking.

PosLaju is one of the oldest courier companies in Malaysia. It started in 1986 by delivering international mail under the Expedited Mail Service (EMS) banner for Pos Malaysia Berhad. Two years later in 1988, it began to offer domestic courier services under the PosLaju brand name.

After 20 years in the business, PosLaju is now undisputed leading courier and express mail service provider in the country. Each year PosLaju has shown steady growth in volume and revenue which reflects the level of confidence and trust given by our valued customers. PosLaju provides door to door delivery services and customer can choose to send documents or parcels using our Next Day Delivery, Same Day Delivery and Time Certain Service to both local and International destinations.

PosLaju has been awarded the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Gold Medal award for two consecutive years; 2006 and 2007 under courier/air freight category. History now repeats itself when the Malaysian consumers again voted PosLaju as a Trusted Brand in 2008. This recognition proves that PosLaju continues to be valued by Malaysians.

In addition to the above, PosLaju was also conferred the Universal Postal Union Bronze level award for the EMS performance in 2005 and nominated for 2007 EMS Customer Care Award. To some, this would be reason to celebrate, but to the hardworking people at PosLaju, strengthening the trust bestowed by Malaysians year after year is what matters.

How Technology is Applied in Operation 
PosLaju used Track and trace system lifts veil on real-time data as the solution in improvement of technology system. PosLaju started on the implementation in 2007 together with Motorola Premier Business Partner Grand-Flo Spritvest (known as Spritvest), and they together developed the front-end application for the Motorola MC3000R mobile computer. After PosLaju had considered several brands and products, and various tests were conducted, the Motorola MC3000R was chosen as it was the most rugged and well-tested device in the market.
PosLaju then purchased 1,300 units of the MC3000R for use by the PosLaju couriers. PosLaju wanted a track and trace solution that allows visibility once the packages are on the road and outside its offices. The company decided to use the batch model, where the synchronization of data is done once a day when the couriers return to the office, and dock the MC3000R into the cradle.
         Labels and bar code were used which several advanced data capture technologies to capture, move and manage key information to and from the different delivery points. Once a package is received by PosLaju, its barcode label which is pre-printed on the consignment note is scanned. Consignment note is adocument prepared by a consignor and countersigned by the carrier as a proof of receipt of consignment for delivery at the destination. Used as an alternative to bill of lading (especially in inland transport), it is generally neither a contract of carriage nor a negotiable instrument.
The package is scanned again just before delivery to the recipient. The use of barcode provides distinctive package identification as each has a unique number or identifier. Combined with the application-specific software, PosLaju managed to harness enterprise mobility systems to offer a unique and secure way to track and trace its packages. As prove to the quality of the track and trace system, Pos Malaysia Berhad won the MSC Malaysia Asia Pacific ICT 2009 Award, for the Best in e-Logistics Category for their development of the Pos Integrated Track and Trace Information System (PITTIS).
With the implementation of the track and trace system, PosLaju now enjoys greater operational efficiency, greater visibility and better customer satisfaction. The MC3000R has given the mobile PosLaju workforce all it needs to achieve high productivity whether out in the field, at the Post Office or checking orders. With the MC3000R, PosLaju employees are now able to perform rapid scanning of packages, and keep track of deliveries accurately. The MC3000Rs’ small form factor combined with a clear visual display, extended battery life and several triggers in various locations help reduce user fatigue and ultimately boost employee productivity. The rotating head configuration of the Motorola MC3000R hand-held mobile computer is small, lightweight and rugged, making it ideal to complement PosLaju’s track and trace application, which requires high-quality data capture and highperformance computing.
As such, scanning is made much easier, and is ideal for the company’s scan-intensive environments, maximizing comfort for its workers throughout a shift. The rugged design has been a winning factor, given its ability to withstand concrete across Operating Temperature Range, so they allow PosLaju employees to perform well during those scan-intensive days where there are high mail volumes.
The advantages of this solution stem from near real-time access to information. The solution includes a tracing and tracking system that allows PosLaju to plan the quickest routes to their delivery destinations. Customers can also track their deliveries online, and know where their goods for delivery are located, thereby improving customer service.


Pos Malaysia Berhad is the provider of mail services exclusively in Malaysia. With more than 175 years of existence in the country, its vast experience forms a strong backbone, supporting the massive restructuring it passed trough when it became a corporate entity in 1992.

The mixture of its solid market strength and market freedom enables Pos Malaysia Berhad to explore and adapt to new business opportunities beyond the 'traditional postal services' and thus, stay ahead of its competitors.

Pos Malaysia Berhad restructured its entire operation unit in 2003 into three Strategic Business Units. Pos Malaysia Berhad now consists of three types of categories asdetermine to be more focused on its various customers and marketplace.

PosMel is functioning to manage an average of 4 million mail items every day, PosMel is focused in providing day-to-day mailing services both general public and retail customers. PosLaju is being the sole national courier provider, PosLaju aggressively aims to be the preferred courier service among its foreign competitors. Whereas,PosNiaga
 is responsible in heightening the accessibility of the national's postal services via its extensive network of over 700 outlets and Pos Malaysia's transaction portal to reach Malaysians in every corner of the country.

At Pos Malaysia Berhad, they have discovered that the secret to business survival lies in human relationships. Thus, Pos Malaysia Berhad constantly invests in identifying, evaluating and maximising the human capital that drives the organisation and innovating solutions to improve its products and services to fulfill the increasing demands of its customers.

As we enter the new century, Pos Malaysia Berhad continues to reinvent itself to stay focused, competitive and continues to connect Malaysians with the world. Postcode by postcode.

YBhgDato’ Sri Haji MohdKhamil bin Jamil
YBhgDato’ Khalid bin AbdolRahman
Group Chief Executive Officer
Group Chief Operating Officer
EncikNik Ahmad FauzanNik Mohamed
Group Chief, Corporate Services
Encik Bahaman Kamaruzzaman
Chief Operating Officer, PosMel
Tuan Haji Nor AzizanTarja 
Chief Operating Officer, PosLaju
YBhgDato’ MeariaHamzah
Chief Operating Officer, PosNiaga
YBhgDato’ Sabrina Albakri Abu Bakar
Group Head, Legal & Secretarial
Encik Faisal Murad
Chief Financial Officer
Encik Aziz Manas
Chief Internal Auditor & Investigation
Group Head, Corporate Communications & Customer Care
Chief Information Officer
Puan Pat Wahid
Chief Marketing Officer, Group Marketing
YM Raja Nor Izah Raja Jaafar
Group Head, Group Sales
Group Head, Transport Management
Ms Chum Choy Han
Group Head, Pos Malaysia International
YBhgDato’ ShahriJikun
Group Head, Facility Management
EncikMohd Rizal Hamzah
Group Head, Strategic Procurement
Group Head, Corporate Planning
EncikFikri Ahmad
Group Head, Group Human Resource
Group Head, Transformation Management Office
Group Head, Program Management Office
Vice President, Customer Care

Before, Now and In the Future of Achievement.
Enhancing Core ICT Capabilities
2007 in review
The year 2007 saw the achievement of POS Integrated Track and Trace Information System (PITTIS), a flagship project which went live in May 2007.  This system equips Pos Malaysia to better cater for current and future requirements of the business, ashigh availability are built into the design.ICT was actively involved in another flagship project; POS Automated Network Transaction Acceptance System (PosPantas), which kicked off in June 2007.  The project will enable increased efficiency for over the counter transactions at post offices, hence increasing the turnaround time and reducing waiting time for the customers to transact.
Apart from the flagship application initiatives, ICT is also focusing its effort on the service delivery channel improvements. For a good number of years, Pos Malaysia has been constrained by the limited network bandwidth at its various post offices.  In 2007, the Wide Area Network Upgrade Project was initiated in order to provide the post offices with the Managed IP VPN and Broadband network. This will improve system performance and availability which is critical for Pos Malaysia in meeting the service level standards set by its customers, agencies and statutory bodies.
Moving forward to 2008
ICT will further improve Pos Malaysia’s core capabilities in 2008. Major projects planned are the Data Centre Upgrades, Disaster Recovery Centre, Desktop Management and System Security Enhancement.  Continuous improvement to the core capabilities to enable Pos Malaysia to achieve its business targets will be the main strategic thrust and theme for ICT.
Enhancing Risk Management Capabilities:
Pos Malaysia adopted its enterprise-wide risk management framework from AS/NZ 4360,which details the approach and process of systematically identifying, assessing and managing risks. The framework provides relevant guiding principles on the techniques of applying various risk management stage process such as risk identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment and monitoring of risks.  This is applicable across different risk categories with the focus of reducing the likelihood and impact of all identified risks beyond Pos Malaysia’s risk appetite. Control measures will be put in place and monitored using management tools with a view to ensure management action plans to minimizerisks are adhered to. In addition, controlmeasures are also subject to ongoing regular reviews to ascertain the efficacy levels and revised accordingly to enhance effectiveness.Pos Malaysia will continually improve the methodology of identifying, assessing and managing of risks by observing the evolution of global leading risk management practices and in consultation with subject matter experts from time to time.
In the future, the organization is planning to keep holding the market by utilizing the technology. Since PosLaju already ahead in the market, domination is important. The organization will keep improving especially in some niche area to be stronger on their public eyes. Technology like e-mail and online service is already applied and should be improved to meet the global demand. PosLaju will keep sharing latest information technology with the international courier company to be ahead in local market.

On this day courierservice is developed using advanced technology.Besides that, many
 features allow users to easily send information. The mixture of its solid market strength and market freedom enables pos malaysia berhad to explore and adapt to new business opportunities beyond the 'traditional postal services' and thus, stay ahead of its competitors.

PosLaju provides a range of services to send documents, packages to cater all the delivery needs. Every step taken is to be ahead in this field. The use of Track and Trace Technology prove their commitment and the decision to merge with Motorola MC3000R to give greater impact to the market. This step is important for the company to survive in the modern era.

The catchy websites is not only to attract the customer and future stakeholder, it is necessary to create a better and more convenient business environment for the market target.The used of online service like bill payment and pharmacist is only a part to be mention. In fact, they not only provide all this service on the counter, it is just as easy with click to the PosLaju websites.


To make PosLaju more advanced than the previous, they may have to give e-mail or message to customer once the letter or parcel sent to them. This is to make sure those customers to be aware about their letter or parcel so that those things are safely arrived to them.

PosLaju also may have to decrease the time taken to deliver the letter or parcel so that this system is able to maintained and attract more customer to keep use PosLajuas their necessities to make delivery.

Moreover, PosLaju could facilitate delivery procedure. Procedure which is set by PosLaju may take customers’ time to make a delivery. They have to fill the form to make sure their parcel is sent to the right receiver. However, this kind of way is take time for those who need rush to go somewhere

Last but not least, to increase the attraction from customers, PosLajumay have to minimize delivery cost in terms of its charge or the price of parcel itself. This may decrease the customers’ burden so that they would keep going use PosLajuas their ‘friend’ in terms of delivery parcel or letter.

Annual report of posmalaysia. (2007). Retrieved from

Background of Pos Malaysia. (2009). Retrieved from  1st February 2012


  1. Hi,I would like to use your conclusion as the reference for my mgt300 assignment. Thank you :)

  2. Hi, I would like to use your conclusion as the reference for my ITT470 assignmnet.Thank you.

  3. Hai i would like to take your report as reference for our assignment. Thank you
