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Monday, 13 February 2012

UCSI University and Ricoh Malaysia Establish Partnership to Create Research Lab and development

Kuala Lumpur, 23 March, 2011 - UCSI University and Ricoh Malaysia have established an industrial partnership to encourage research in information technology. The two entities signed a Memorandum of Agreement this morning at the south wing of UCSI University’s Kuala Lumpur campus to seal the strategic partnership. 

Under the agreement, Ricoh will establish a research and development laboratory within the University’s School of Information Technology. The laboratory will include cutting-edge devices and solutions such as smart phones, iPads, Macintosh computers and Ricoh’s latest multifunctional printing products to encourage research and development in information technology that will lead to innovative products and solutions. 

A firm believer of innovative technology, Managing Director of Ricoh (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Mr Lim Eng Weng expressed his excitement in partnering UCSI University.

“We’re excited to be collaborating with UCSI University for such an inspiring project to represent the next leading edge and has the potential to stimulate Malaysian enterprises and innovation in the coming years. The objective of the Lab is to provide a highly innovative and technological facility to cultivate research and development among students,” said Mr Lim at the signing ceremony.

The agreement also establishes Ricoh as an official industry advisor to UCSI University with the ability to review the University’s information technology programmes and offer suggestions to enhance them. UCSI University students will also be able to take part in internships at Ricoh as part of the new collaboration. 

UCSI University Vice Chancellor Dr Robert Bong said the partnership is part of the University’s innovative learning and teaching pedagogy to provide students a deeper understanding of the subject matter. 

“Through this agreement, UCSI University strengthens its commitment to provide students a blended-learning experience with both academic and practical training,” he said. “Furthermore, our new partnership assures our programmes are industry-driven with relevant training to ensure our students succeed in life after graduation.”

As one of its first research projects, UCSI University is planning on developing smart phone batch printing solutions that will enable smart phone users to print documents efficiently from their phones. The project aims to develop a prototype of batch printing application for Android smart phones that supports document and PDF files. UCSI University Faculty of Management and Information Technology Associate Dean Chloe Thong Chee Ling said the lab will expose students to real-life applications of information technology. 

“At the School of Information Technology, it’s important to train our students to work with the latest technology,” she said. “With this agreement with Ricoh, our students will have the opportunity to work with the latest technological equipment and to conduct their own research to stay at the forefront of the industry.”

1 comment:

  1. Terima Kasih di atas perkongsian ilmu pengetahuan yang sangat menarik ini. Di dalam artikal ini ia memfokuskan berkenaan tajuk Universiti UCSI dan Ricoh Malaysia dalam menubuhkan perkongsian untuk mewujudkan makmal penyelidikan dan Pembangunan. Tajuk ini sangat menarik untuk mereka yang ingin mencari maklumat yang lengkap bagi mereka yang ingin menyambung pengajian untuk mendapatkan biasiswa. Ia juga dapat membantu saya dalam menyiapkan kertas kerja kerana tajuknya berkaitan dengan tugasan kerja saya. Di sini, saya mempunyai sumber rujukan untuk lebih membantu anda dengan melayari sesawang malaysia thesis help ini kerana isi kandungannya yang begitu terperinci untuk mendapatkan maklumat dengan mudah. Dengan ini, ia dapat mempraktikkan untuk anda dalam menyiapkan tugasan yang diberikan oleh tenaga pelajar mengikut masa yang telah ditetapkan.
